Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Welcome Fellow Dummies

Welcome to Strep Throat 101. This site is here to benefit you. I will be discussing strep throat in every aspect from the basics to prevention to treatment. I hope you find this informative.

*(warning)* Some pictures include may be a little disturbing  to some people but don't be scared. Its not the worst thing you've ever seen.

What the heck is Strep Throat?

Strep throat is a bacterial infection and a Group A Streptococcus bacteria. Which is caused by streptococcal bacteria in the throat and tonsils.

This bacteria has the ability to live in your throat,nose,and mouth for months without harming you. But it also has the ability to suddenly spew toxins and inflammatory substances.

How do I know I have Strep?

Strep throat is known for causing excruciatingly painful sore throats (I can share from experience that this is very true). But some symptoms that identify strep throat are very similar to the flu as well. Such as sore throat, cough, stuffy nose, headaches, and fever.

Strep Throat causes you to have difficulty swallowing, white puss on your tonsils, and rashes starting in the neck spreading to the face. There can be raw and red appereance to the back of your throat along with tender,high lymph nodes in the neck.

How can I NOT get Strep?

There are some easy things you can do to prevent yourself from getting sick.
Try not to handle used tissues or other item (even though that's gross anyway).

 Make sure you wash your hands and keep sores or cuts clean (especially with little children).

 Wash all of your dishes and silverware in HOT soapy water (helps to kill the germs).

How do I get rid of my Strep??

So, yes strep throat is contagious but luckily its also curable. Since it is caused by a bacteria it can be cured by taking antibiotics.
When doctors first see the symptoms of strep throat they will take a culture to send off to be tested, taking 24 or 48 hours for results. Then quickly putting patients on antibiotics such as penicillin,erythromycin ,clindamycin ,or cephalosporins.
  There are things you can do that will take off a bit of the edge at home. Try drinking warm tea, gargling warm water with salt, and throat lozenges to help relieve the sore throat a bit. Some also say liquid narcotic medicines can help as well.

How do I catch Strep???

Yes....yes you can.
Strep throat is a communicable disease, meaning it can be spread.
The way you can get strep throat a.k.a. catching the Streptococcus bacteria, is by getting it from an infected person. If you share forks, spoons, and/or straws with an infected person you can get strep throat. I suggest you don't do any of those things (that's unsanitary to begin with).

 But you can also get the bacteria from stress, overwork, and exhaustion. These activities weaken the body's defenses making it easier to catch anything including Streptococcus.